CUA South Campus Neighbors 5C10 will have a Single Member District meeting Today, Dec 14th 2011.
Location: 721 Lawrence St NE (De Sales Hall Reading Library)
Time: 7pm
Special Guests include representatives from MPD, Bozzuto Construction and DDOT Pubic Space Operations.
Agenda includes
Crime in the area
CUA South Campus Construction (Monroe Street Market Project). If you have questions, come and ask.
DDOT Public Space Operations
Community Updates
All about the Edgewood Neighborhood of Washington, DC
Questions/Comments/Story Ideas - email me at
Questions/Comments/Story Ideas - email me at
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
REMINDER: Edgewood Neighborhood Cleanup TOMORROW!
I've been organizing these cleanups every month for over 3 years now! If you have not been to one now is the time to join us!!!
Just wanted to send out a reminder that tomorrow is the Edgewood Neighborhood monthly cleanup. The group meets in front of the Edgewood Rec Center at the corner of 3rd and Evarts NE at 10:30 a.m. The cleanup is sponsored by the Friends of Edgewood Recreation Center and occurs the first Saturday of every month same time and location. The group picks up trash around the neighborhood including the rec center and has a cookout afterwards.
This is a great way to meet your neighbors and show pride in our neighborhood!
If you cannot come try and cleanup around your block today or tomorrow morning so we can cover more areas!!!
Just wanted to send out a reminder that tomorrow is the Edgewood Neighborhood monthly cleanup. The group meets in front of the Edgewood Rec Center at the corner of 3rd and Evarts NE at 10:30 a.m. The cleanup is sponsored by the Friends of Edgewood Recreation Center and occurs the first Saturday of every month same time and location. The group picks up trash around the neighborhood including the rec center and has a cookout afterwards.
This is a great way to meet your neighbors and show pride in our neighborhood!
If you cannot come try and cleanup around your block today or tomorrow morning so we can cover more areas!!!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
MPD-5D House watch
Please see the message below from Commander Any Solberg about notifying the MPD of your holiday travel plans so they can help keep an eye on your house.
For any resident who may be leaving for travel during the upcoming winter holiday season, you are welcome to contact us (NOT through this public listserv) and we will try to have our patrol officers keep an eye on your home while you are away.
If you will be away, Contact either me or your PSA supervisor directly by email or phone,Give us your address and the dates you will be gone,Provide a local contact number in case there is any problem we see while you are away, DO NOT provide any of this information on this or any other community listserv. We will keep a confidential list and try to ride past your home front and rear as often as possible on all shifts. All 5D supervisors are included in this message.
Thank you.
Andy Solberg
Commander, 5D
For any resident who may be leaving for travel during the upcoming winter holiday season, you are welcome to contact us (NOT through this public listserv) and we will try to have our patrol officers keep an eye on your home while you are away.
If you will be away, Contact either me or your PSA supervisor directly by email or phone,Give us your address and the dates you will be gone,Provide a local contact number in case there is any problem we see while you are away, DO NOT provide any of this information on this or any other community listserv. We will keep a confidential list and try to ride past your home front and rear as often as possible on all shifts. All 5D supervisors are included in this message.
Thank you.
Andy Solberg
Commander, 5D
Friends of Woodridge Library's Fall Book Sale
Friends of Woodridge Library's Fall Book Sale
Saturday, December 3, 2011
9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Come to our book sale for great books at great prices.
We have everything from novels to children’s books, romance to classics, history, cookbooks, for and about Blacks, and more. Check it out!
The Woodridge Library is located at
1801 Hamlin St. NE
(Rhode Island Ave. and 18th St. NE)
Washington D.C
For more information, call the Library at (202) 541-6226
All proceeds from the sale will benefit the Woodridge Library.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Come to our book sale for great books at great prices.
We have everything from novels to children’s books, romance to classics, history, cookbooks, for and about Blacks, and more. Check it out!
The Woodridge Library is located at
1801 Hamlin St. NE
(Rhode Island Ave. and 18th St. NE)
Washington D.C
For more information, call the Library at (202) 541-6226
All proceeds from the sale will benefit the Woodridge Library.
Ward 5 Rhode Island Avenue Task Force Meeting November 30th 6:30 p.m.
Please see the message below which updates the agenda for the upcoming meeting on development of Rhode Island Avenue NE. There is now a component where Montel Williams will be there to talk about medical marijuana and I am not sure how that fits into the development. I guess we will find out.
Think Rhode Island Avenue!
Ward 5 Rhode Island Avenue Task Force meeting
With special guest presentation by Montel Williams
November 30, 2011
6:30 to 7:30 Task force meets
7:30 to 9:00 Special guest Montel Williams to discuss medical marijuana
Israel Baptist Church
1251 Saratoga Avenue, N.E.
Washington, D.C.
6:30 pm
What is the Rhode Island Avenue NE/ Task force?
Rhode Island Avenue, NE is a District of Columbia Government designated “Great Streets” corridor. The Great Streets Initiative is a multiple agency effort to transform under-invested corridors into thriving and inviting neighborhood centers using public actions and tools, as needed, to leverage new private investment.
This is an important and long-overlooked corridor that is well-positioned to gain in its importance and prominence to the District. Along with community leadership, property and business owners, residents, and other stakeholders, I invite you to take a significant step with us to implement plans for the commercial districts along the corridor.
Why is your involvement needed?
Rhode Island Avenue, NE has potential to provide new housing, jobs, and retail goods and services, which many in Woodridge, Langdon, Brookland, Edgewood and Brentwood may now buy in the surrounding counties. The Task force will provide strategic recommendations about how we use the great street study to capture a portion of the $1 billion in retail sales revenues (and jobs) lost each year to other jurisdictions. The Task force will help determine where the strategic opportunities are, and what is needed to lay the groundwork for new and sustainable investment using the four sub areas below as a blue print.
Four Sub-areas:
4th St to 10th
13th St to 16th
17th St to Kearny
Monroe to Eastern (low commercial - high residence)
Task Force plans to embrace organized groups and support their complimentary independent initiatives that will move a joint plan: Premier Community Development Corporation (PCDC), Friends of Rhode Island Avenue (FORIA), Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GWHCC), Rhode Island Avenue Business Council, and Ward 5 Business Council, community and business groups
Think Rhode Island Avenue.
7:30 pm
Special presentation and discussion from Montel Williams on medical marijuana as it relates to ward five
Sponsored by Councilmember Harry L. Thomas, Jr., Ward 5
Think Rhode Island Avenue!
Ward 5 Rhode Island Avenue Task Force meeting
With special guest presentation by Montel Williams
November 30, 2011
6:30 to 7:30 Task force meets
7:30 to 9:00 Special guest Montel Williams to discuss medical marijuana
Israel Baptist Church
1251 Saratoga Avenue, N.E.
Washington, D.C.
6:30 pm
What is the Rhode Island Avenue NE/ Task force?
Rhode Island Avenue, NE is a District of Columbia Government designated “Great Streets” corridor. The Great Streets Initiative is a multiple agency effort to transform under-invested corridors into thriving and inviting neighborhood centers using public actions and tools, as needed, to leverage new private investment.
This is an important and long-overlooked corridor that is well-positioned to gain in its importance and prominence to the District. Along with community leadership, property and business owners, residents, and other stakeholders, I invite you to take a significant step with us to implement plans for the commercial districts along the corridor.
Why is your involvement needed?
Rhode Island Avenue, NE has potential to provide new housing, jobs, and retail goods and services, which many in Woodridge, Langdon, Brookland, Edgewood and Brentwood may now buy in the surrounding counties. The Task force will provide strategic recommendations about how we use the great street study to capture a portion of the $1 billion in retail sales revenues (and jobs) lost each year to other jurisdictions. The Task force will help determine where the strategic opportunities are, and what is needed to lay the groundwork for new and sustainable investment using the four sub areas below as a blue print.
Four Sub-areas:
4th St to 10th
13th St to 16th
17th St to Kearny
Monroe to Eastern (low commercial - high residence)
Task Force plans to embrace organized groups and support their complimentary independent initiatives that will move a joint plan: Premier Community Development Corporation (PCDC), Friends of Rhode Island Avenue (FORIA), Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GWHCC), Rhode Island Avenue Business Council, and Ward 5 Business Council, community and business groups
Think Rhode Island Avenue.
7:30 pm
Special presentation and discussion from Montel Williams on medical marijuana as it relates to ward five
Sponsored by Councilmember Harry L. Thomas, Jr., Ward 5
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Ward 5 Community Calendar
Please see this message from fellow Ward 5 resident about a calendar he created to help all of us keep track of the many meetings and events around our ward.
Dear friends and fellow Ward 5ers:
I was having a hard time keeping track of all the community meetings and events in Ward 5, so I thought I would try to help the situation by creating a community calendar:
I've got it loaded with all the events I've seen come across the listservs I belong to, but there's a good chance I've missed some things. To submit events to the calendar, just email (or cc on your announcement) to I update it manually, so please forgive any delay in posting.
I'll continue to pull events from listservs as I see them, and I hope to get it set up so people can submit their own events without me having to do it, but for now this is the system I've got. (and I don't expect that people will immediately stop hitting all the ward listservs with event reminders, but hopefully over time that may become less necessary)
Please forward this on to other folks/listservs you know who might be interested. And if you've got suggestions or other thoughts, I'd love to hear them either here on my gmail or at
Nolan Treadway
22nd NE and Lawrence NE
Dear friends and fellow Ward 5ers:
I was having a hard time keeping track of all the community meetings and events in Ward 5, so I thought I would try to help the situation by creating a community calendar:
I've got it loaded with all the events I've seen come across the listservs I belong to, but there's a good chance I've missed some things. To submit events to the calendar, just email (or cc on your announcement) to I update it manually, so please forgive any delay in posting.
I'll continue to pull events from listservs as I see them, and I hope to get it set up so people can submit their own events without me having to do it, but for now this is the system I've got. (and I don't expect that people will immediately stop hitting all the ward listservs with event reminders, but hopefully over time that may become less necessary)
Please forward this on to other folks/listservs you know who might be interested. And if you've got suggestions or other thoughts, I'd love to hear them either here on my gmail or at
Nolan Treadway
22nd NE and Lawrence NE
Community Happy Hour Thursday, December 1st
Community Happy Hour
Celebrating the Season!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Wohlfarth Galleries
3418 9th Street, NE
Bring your favorite beverage and/or appetizer to share and a toy for our 2011 Christmas Toy Drive.
This happy hour is a bit different as we have to supply the liquor and food. However, in the spirit of supporting local,what a magnificent gallery to welcome the holiday season!
Age range: Infants to 12th Grade
Items Needed: Baby Clothes, Toys, Books and Sports Equipment
All toys must be NEW and UNWRAPPED
Please RSVP to:
Ward 5 Scholarship
Attention DC public high school seniors:
If you currently reside in Ward 5, you may be eligible to receive an annual $2,000 scholarship for four years (up to $8,000)!
To qualify, students must:
Be a DC Public High School Senior
Reside in Ward 5
Be accepted to either a 2-year or 4-year college or university
Have a GPA which ranks in the top 30% of their class
To Apply:
Complete the scholarship application available at and send via fax or email to Bomani Johnson at by June 3, 2012.
For questions about the application process, please contact: Bomani Johnson (202) 263-4770 (phone)
If you currently reside in Ward 5, you may be eligible to receive an annual $2,000 scholarship for four years (up to $8,000)!
To qualify, students must:
Be a DC Public High School Senior
Reside in Ward 5
Be accepted to either a 2-year or 4-year college or university
Have a GPA which ranks in the top 30% of their class
To Apply:
Complete the scholarship application available at and send via fax or email to Bomani Johnson at by June 3, 2012.
For questions about the application process, please contact: Bomani Johnson (202) 263-4770 (phone)
Monday, November 14, 2011
Final Ward 5 redistricting Meeting Tonight
Good Morning Task Force,
Our final Redistricting meeting has arrived!
Date: November 14, 2011
Location: 5th District Police Station
1805 Bladensburg Rd NE
Time: 6:30- 8:00 PM
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Ward 5 Council Office at 202-724-8028
Thank you!
Our final Redistricting meeting has arrived!
Date: November 14, 2011
Location: 5th District Police Station
1805 Bladensburg Rd NE
Time: 6:30- 8:00 PM
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Ward 5 Council Office at 202-724-8028
Thank you!
DC Council Redistricting Meeting
SUBCOMMITTEE ON REDISTRICTING ANNOUNCE A PUBLIC HEARING ON B19-528, the “Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Act of 2011”.
Councilmember Michael Brown and Councilmember Jack Evans, Co-Chairpersons of the Subcommittee on Redistricting, announce a public hearing on B19-528, the “Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Act of 2011”. The public hearing will be held on November 29, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., in the Council Chamber, Room 500 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20004. Please note that the submitted recommendations of each ward task force are available on the Council website under the Subcommittee on Redistricting tab. This notice has been abbreviated in order to give timely notice to the public. Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 10:00 a.m.Council Chamber, Room 500, John A. Wilson Building1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NWWashington, D.C. 20004
Councilmember Michael Brown and Councilmember Jack Evans, Co-Chairpersons of the Subcommittee on Redistricting, announce a public hearing on B19-528, the “Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Boundaries Act of 2011”. The public hearing will be held on November 29, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., in the Council Chamber, Room 500 of the John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20004. Please note that the submitted recommendations of each ward task force are available on the Council website under the Subcommittee on Redistricting tab. This notice has been abbreviated in order to give timely notice to the public. Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 10:00 a.m.Council Chamber, Room 500, John A. Wilson Building1350 Pennsylvania Ave., NWWashington, D.C. 20004
Ward 5 Democrats November Meeting Notice
November 2011 Monthly Meeting Notice
Monday, 28 November 2011
Israel Baptist Church
1251 Saratoga Avenue, NE
Washington, DC
Special Guest Speaker -invited
The Honorable Vincent C. Gray
District of Columbia
Special door prize(s) - Two (2) tickets to Washington Redskins v New York Jets, Sunday, December 4, 2011*
(*open to Ward 5 registered Democrats present only)
MPD-5DCAC November Meeting Notice
5th District Citizens’ Advisory Council, Inc.
November 2011 Meeting Notice
Thursday, November 17, 2011
1805 Bladensburg Road, NEWashington, D.C.
Homicide in Edgewood
This morning, Monday, November 14, 2011, at about 2:20, a 21 year old man was shot and killed in the 500 block of Edgewood St., NE. Homicide detectives are working on this case. If anyone has any information about this shooting, or if anyone saw or heard anything around this time, we would like to hear from you.
Please call 202 – 727 - 9099 with any information.
Andy Solberg
Commander, 5D
Please call 202 – 727 - 9099 with any information.
Andy Solberg
Commander, 5D
Friday, November 11, 2011
Edgewood Development Update
On Tuesday they broke ground on the CUA South Campus Development now named the Monroe Street Market. Again all over the media and neighborhoods people have been calling it Brookland's new development. I feel like a broken record trying to get these developments to acknowledge that they are in Edgewood! So below are the updates of the developments ongoing in the Edgewood neighborhood for your reading pleasure.
Chancellor's Row (3015 4th Street NE) - 10-acre residential development on St. Paul's campus which began construction Fall 2010 as promised and already has residents living there. They have sold 91 houses as of September 23, 2011. Phase 2 is currently open for sales. Their prices have risen seven percent since opening in 2010. They are building a total of 237 new townhouses in this development and the speed at which they build will depend on sales. At the current rate of sale I imagine they will be building pretty fast and with all the other developments in the area may sell out sooner than they expected.
Monroe Street Market (formerly CUA South Campus Development) (7th Street and Michigan Ave NE) - mixed use development will include approximately 720 housing units, 45 townhouses, and a public square with a college main street with 83,000 square feet of street-level retail, 15,000 square feet of artists' studio space and 850 below-grade parking spaces. They started demolition on the CUA buildings last year and broke ground on November 9, 2011. The first phase of 562 residential units is scheduled to be completed in Summer 2013. There will also be improvements made to the sidewalks, crosswalks and Met Branch Trail connection in that area.
Brookland Artspace Lofts (3225 Eighth Street NE) - 41 live/work rental units directly adjacent to Dance Place's HQ and studio space for qualified DC artists making 60% or less of the area median income construction began Spring 2010 and is completed and at 100% occupancy now. They are accepting applications for their wait list.
Developments Surrounding Edgewood
Rhode Island Row (919 Rhode Island Ave NE) - This project is well underway and should have residents moving in in waves as the apartments are completed. They have posted the rents and they range from $1630 for a 1 bed/bath to $3500 for a 3 bed/bath. The retail is supposed to be announced the end of this year and open Spring 2012. I have only heard that CVS is going to open over there.
Mint Condos (329 Rhode Island Ave NE) - This project is currently underway and is across the street from Edgewood in Eckington. The burnt out shell of a building is being converted into 20 luxury condos priced between $200,000 and $300,000. The building is also supposed to include five retail units and was scheduled for completion in Spring 2011. They have been painting the building and it looks to be well underway with renovations. I am not sure when they plan to have it move in ready or announce retail. They have updated their website.
901 Monroe Street NE - This project is just entering the planning stages across the street in Brookland, but looks promising. The plans are to demolish the current buildings and build 212 Apartments, 16 units at below market rents, and 13,000 sq. ft. of neighborhood-serving retail including a restaurant. Groundbreaking is scheduled for Spring 2012. The zoning commission public hearing is scheduled for January 19, 2012.
Washington Gateway (Intersection of New York Ave and Florida Ave NE) - This project which has been recently revived and perhaps modified to include more residential instead of a hotel will connect NoMa with the Eckington neighborhood. A huge empty 3 acre lot will be transformed into office space and residential with a small retail component. There will be improvements made to the Met Branch Trail which will connect to this development. The groundbreaking is supposed to happen before the end of the year for Phase One which is a building with 400 residential units and 5,200 sq. ft. of retail..
NoMa West (Eckington Place and Q Street NE) - This development broke ground in March 2011 and they have been hard at work with construction every since. There will be a total of three buildings when they are completed and a small amount of retail. There will be an extension of Q street, a pedestrian walkway and connection with the Met Branch Trail included in the project.
McMillan Sand Filtration (North Capitol Street, Michigan Ave, 1 Street NW) - This huge 25 acre site has been the focus of many meetings and plans over the years and I'll put its timeline as I'll believe it when I see it. The current plans call for mixed-use development and park space which I think would be amazing! There are many sites and posts about this development as everyone seems to have an opinion as to what should happen with this piece of land. They have recently filed a draft PUD and there have been more meetings so I am sticking to my last update that I will believe it when I see it.
Friday, November 4, 2011
REMINDER: Edgewood Neighborhood Cleanup TOMORROW!
Just wanted to send out a reminder that tomorrow is the Edgewood Neighborhood monthly cleanup. The group meets in front of the Edgewood Rec Center at the corner of 3rd and Evarts NE at 10:30 a.m. The cleanup is sponsored by the Friends of Edgewood Recreation Center and occurs the first Saturday of every month same time and location. The group picks up trash around the neighborhood including the rec center and has a cookout afterwards.
This is a great way to meet your neighbors and show pride in our neighborhood!
If you cannot come try and cleanup around your block today or tomorrow morning so we can cover more areas!!!
This is a great way to meet your neighbors and show pride in our neighborhood!
If you cannot come try and cleanup around your block today or tomorrow morning so we can cover more areas!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Chocolate City Beer Update
Here is the list of places that have Chocolate City Beer on tap:
The Wonderland Ballroom
The Looking Glass Lounge
The Pug
Bier Baron
Bar Pilar
Dodge City
Colonel Brooks Tavern
Ward 5 Redistricting and Edgewood
In case you have missed it there has been a series of posts on Greater Greater Washington the past three days on the Ward 5 redistricting maps and process. I encourage everyone to read them and comment.
Yesterday they posted a map which the authors of the posts thought would be best for the new ANCs and SMDs in Ward 5. They have grouped Edgewood with Eckington, Truxton Circle, Bates-Hanover and Bloomingdale. I think that Edgewood would be better served to be in the same ANC as Brookland. There are so many projects and developments on the Edgewood/Brookland border and Edgewood is constantly left out of the process. Many residents in Edgewood think they live in Brookland. I think that if we were in the same ANC it would allow the Edgewood neighborhood to have better representation and stop the overuse of the Brookland name for the projects/developments that are partially or even wholly in the Edgewood neighborhood.
The thing that I do really like is that Edgewood now has 3 SMDs that are pretty much all in its neighborhood boundaries. This is really a great thing for the neighborhood as before my SMD was half Eckington and half Edgewood in a weird "Z" shape across Rhode Island Avenue NE. I think that it would also help the Ward 5 ANCs be more even in size and give all of them an odd number of SMDs if Edgewood was with ANC 5C.
Geoffrey Hatchard was kind enough to provide me with a map for this post. The three Edgewood SMDs are a darker green/blue between the blue ANC 5B and the green ANC 5C. My thoughts are that we would be better off with the green ANC 5C, but I would really like to hear from fellow Edgewood neighbors on what they think.

What do you think? Please state in the comments your feelings on where Edgewood should end up in this redistricting process. Also please email our council member your thoughts and attend the meeting when it is announced.
Yesterday they posted a map which the authors of the posts thought would be best for the new ANCs and SMDs in Ward 5. They have grouped Edgewood with Eckington, Truxton Circle, Bates-Hanover and Bloomingdale. I think that Edgewood would be better served to be in the same ANC as Brookland. There are so many projects and developments on the Edgewood/Brookland border and Edgewood is constantly left out of the process. Many residents in Edgewood think they live in Brookland. I think that if we were in the same ANC it would allow the Edgewood neighborhood to have better representation and stop the overuse of the Brookland name for the projects/developments that are partially or even wholly in the Edgewood neighborhood.
The thing that I do really like is that Edgewood now has 3 SMDs that are pretty much all in its neighborhood boundaries. This is really a great thing for the neighborhood as before my SMD was half Eckington and half Edgewood in a weird "Z" shape across Rhode Island Avenue NE. I think that it would also help the Ward 5 ANCs be more even in size and give all of them an odd number of SMDs if Edgewood was with ANC 5C.
Geoffrey Hatchard was kind enough to provide me with a map for this post. The three Edgewood SMDs are a darker green/blue between the blue ANC 5B and the green ANC 5C. My thoughts are that we would be better off with the green ANC 5C, but I would really like to hear from fellow Edgewood neighbors on what they think.

What do you think? Please state in the comments your feelings on where Edgewood should end up in this redistricting process. Also please email our council member your thoughts and attend the meeting when it is announced.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
DDOT Announces Solicitation of Bids for Construction of Rhode Island Avenue Pedestrian Bridge
Please see the press release below about the pedestrian bridge from the Met Branch Trail to the Rhode Island Ave metro station!!! It looks like we could have it built and maybe even finished next year!!!!
Government of the District of Columbia
Department of Transportation For Immediate Release
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Media Contact: John Lisle at 202-671-2004,
DDOT Announces Solicitation of Bids for Construction of Rhode Island Avenue Pedestrian Bridge
Construction of Key Connection to Metropolitan Branch Trail to Begin Next Year(Washington, D.C.)
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) today announced a solicitation of bids for the construction of a pedestrian/bicycle bridge over the CSX railroad tracks at the Rhode Island Avenue Metro Station. The bridge links to the Metropolitan Branch Trail and will be a safe passageway for community members who currently use the Rhode Island Avenue underpass, which is narrow and dark, or who cross the active railroad tracks illegally. Combined with last year’s completion of the Metropolitan Branch Trail, from New York Avenue to Franklin Street, the bridge will also increase access to transit and recreation for thousands of residents.
For procurement information contact Bernetha Armwood at (202) 671-1563. For technical information contact Mr. Mohamed Dahir at (202) 671-4617.
The Metropolitan Branch Trail is a multi-use trail that runs from Union to Silver Spring, linking people to jobs, schools, stores and mass transit. Three miles of the planned trail have been completed to date.
Heather Deutsch
Bicycle Program Specialist/Trail Planner
Policy, Planning & Sustainability Administration
District Department of Transportation
We've moved to...55 M Street, SE, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20003
tel: 202.671.2638
fax: 202.671.0617
Join Mayor Gray’s One City • One Hire - 10,000 Jobs Campaign
“Putting District Residents Back to Work – One Hire at a Time”
Learn more at
Support the DC One Fund Campaign, Each One Give One.
Learn more at or One City, Working Together!
Tonight at the Edgewood Rec Center
There are two events at the Edgewood Rec Center tonight. The world drumming class which is offered every week followed by the Friends of Edgewood Rec meeting. Please come join both!!!
Here are the details:
Title: Music Class: World Drumming
Date: Wednesday November 2, 2011
Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every week.
Street: Class is taught by Michael Henderson
Notes: No experience necessary. For all ages.
Title: Friends of Edgewood Recreation Center
Date: Wednesday November 2, 2011
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the first Wednesday.
Location: Edgewood Recreation Center 3rd and Evarts Street NE
Here are the details:
Title: Music Class: World Drumming
Date: Wednesday November 2, 2011
Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every week.
Street: Class is taught by Michael Henderson
Notes: No experience necessary. For all ages.
Title: Friends of Edgewood Recreation Center
Date: Wednesday November 2, 2011
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the first Wednesday.
Location: Edgewood Recreation Center 3rd and Evarts Street NE
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Capital Bikeshare Crowdsourcing Map
To follow in all my fellow bloggers footsteps I would like to ask everyone to get on the Capital Bikeshare Crowdsourcing map and suggest stations that you would like in Edgewood and beyond. Remember you can like stations that others have already suggested and make comments on them. I am pretty sure that EYA is adding a station to the Chancellor's Row development and that Rhode Island Row is adding one as well.
Here is the link to add your choices.
Capital Bikeshare Crowdsourcing Map
Here is what our area looks like on the map right now:
Here is the link to add your choices.
Capital Bikeshare Crowdsourcing Map
Here is what our area looks like on the map right now:
Metropolitan Police - PSA 501 Meeting Summary
For those of you not on the neighborhood listserv I wanted to share these notes from last week's PSA501 meeting from our neighbor to the south.
Metropolitan Police - PSA 501 Meeting Summary
Several Officers from MPD met with concerned community members during the normally scheduled PSA meeting on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at the Harry Thomas Recreation Center.
Topics discussed included:
·Homicide at Lincoln Rd. NE – the victim was a well known criminal from the Trinidad Area. MPD believes that the victim may had been responsible for some of the robberies that had been taking place in our area. The case is still under investigation and MPD continue to seek our any information from potential witnesses.
·Shooting at the 200 Q St NW. The shooting took place at the same location of a previous shooting earlier this year. It is possible that the shooting was drug related. If any neighbors have any further information or may have a security camera that may have recorded something, MPD would like to hear from you.
·Robberies have increased recently but are still lower than last year. Many robberies are taking place along N. Capitol St and Florida Avenue area. Usually people walking home from work or the metro. MPD urge residents to please not be distracted on their cell phones, texting, or reading email while walking home. Be aware of surroundings and avoid walking with head sets on that may prevent you from listening someone approaching. ·Burglaries – appears that the individuals doing some of the robberies in the evening are also carrying our the burglaries during the day. Remember to keep your windows locked, doors secured and valuables out of the front and back yard where they can be stolen. Also, please remember to lock your bicycles and remove the seat if possible.
·Arrests – MPD has conducted several arrests of burglaries in progress. 20 minutes prior to the PSA meeting, an arrest was made on Florida and N. Capitol St from a robbery in progress. MPD has also been conducting arrests for public urination, possession of open alcohol containers as well as trespassing.
·Focus – MPD is increasing bike patrols in the area. Currently, there are about 6 police officers on bike patrol, that number will be increased. Bike patrols will allow MPD to focus on the alleys and on groups hanging out in dark alleys during the day and night. MPD will also be adding additional resources to PSA 501 to focus on key areas (Truxton Circle). This weekend is also All Hands On Deck as well.
·Community Partnership – a member of the community suggested MPD doing more outreach to meet community residents. MPD suggested community restarting safety walks. Safety walks were successful this summer in bringing out neighbors and MPD and getting neighbors and officers acquainted. This is the fall season and great time for walks, so we hope neighbors will join us in staring neighborhood walks twice a week again.
·5th District Police Citizen’s Advisory Council Awards Dinner – on Thursday, October 27th, please join us to honor the men and women of the 5th District Police. The Awards Dinner will take place at the Navy Yard starting at 6:30pm. Tickets are $40.
Geovani A. Bonilla
Bates Area Civic Association
Metropolitan Police - PSA 501 Meeting Summary
Several Officers from MPD met with concerned community members during the normally scheduled PSA meeting on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at the Harry Thomas Recreation Center.
Topics discussed included:
·Homicide at Lincoln Rd. NE – the victim was a well known criminal from the Trinidad Area. MPD believes that the victim may had been responsible for some of the robberies that had been taking place in our area. The case is still under investigation and MPD continue to seek our any information from potential witnesses.
·Shooting at the 200 Q St NW. The shooting took place at the same location of a previous shooting earlier this year. It is possible that the shooting was drug related. If any neighbors have any further information or may have a security camera that may have recorded something, MPD would like to hear from you.
·Robberies have increased recently but are still lower than last year. Many robberies are taking place along N. Capitol St and Florida Avenue area. Usually people walking home from work or the metro. MPD urge residents to please not be distracted on their cell phones, texting, or reading email while walking home. Be aware of surroundings and avoid walking with head sets on that may prevent you from listening someone approaching. ·Burglaries – appears that the individuals doing some of the robberies in the evening are also carrying our the burglaries during the day. Remember to keep your windows locked, doors secured and valuables out of the front and back yard where they can be stolen. Also, please remember to lock your bicycles and remove the seat if possible.
·Arrests – MPD has conducted several arrests of burglaries in progress. 20 minutes prior to the PSA meeting, an arrest was made on Florida and N. Capitol St from a robbery in progress. MPD has also been conducting arrests for public urination, possession of open alcohol containers as well as trespassing.
·Focus – MPD is increasing bike patrols in the area. Currently, there are about 6 police officers on bike patrol, that number will be increased. Bike patrols will allow MPD to focus on the alleys and on groups hanging out in dark alleys during the day and night. MPD will also be adding additional resources to PSA 501 to focus on key areas (Truxton Circle). This weekend is also All Hands On Deck as well.
·Community Partnership – a member of the community suggested MPD doing more outreach to meet community residents. MPD suggested community restarting safety walks. Safety walks were successful this summer in bringing out neighbors and MPD and getting neighbors and officers acquainted. This is the fall season and great time for walks, so we hope neighbors will join us in staring neighborhood walks twice a week again.
·5th District Police Citizen’s Advisory Council Awards Dinner – on Thursday, October 27th, please join us to honor the men and women of the 5th District Police. The Awards Dinner will take place at the Navy Yard starting at 6:30pm. Tickets are $40.
Geovani A. Bonilla
Bates Area Civic Association
Community Happy Hour - Combined with Friends of Rhode Island Avenue
It's Community Happy Hour Time!
(And we are expanding the group to include the Friends of Rhode Island too!)
Every month on the first Thursday!
Get to know your neighbors!
Support our community!
Share a few laughs!
Why not?
Lace (On the Avenue)2214 Rhode Island Ave NE
Washington DC 20018Phone: 202-832-3888
November 3, 2011
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Happy Hour prices (drinks and food)
Open to all neighbors
Please RSVP:
Music Class: World Drumming at Edgewood Recreation Center
There is a new offering at the Edgewood Recreation Center by the Friends of Edgewood Rec every Wednesday. Here are the details for the World Drumming Class:
Title: Music Class: World Drumming
Date: Wednesdays
Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every week.
Street: Class is taught by Michael Henderson
Notes: No experience necessary. For all ages.
Title: Music Class: World Drumming
Date: Wednesdays
Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every week.
Street: Class is taught by Michael Henderson
Notes: No experience necessary. For all ages.
Edgewood Recreation Center Open House Tonight
On Wednesday (October 26th) the Edgewood Recreation Center will hold its annual open house from 6-7:30 pm. This is a great opportunity for us to meet and greet. Come and join the World Drumming Class and meet the DPR staff. Come and share your ideas, find out when events are planned, and meet your neighbors. Let us know how and when you would like to use the facility!
Michael Henderson
On Wednesday (October 26th) the Edgewood Recreation Center will hold its annual open house from 6-7:30 pm. This is a great opportunity for us to meet and greet. Come and join the World Drumming Class and meet the DPR staff. Come and share your ideas, find out when events are planned, and meet your neighbors. Let us know how and when you would like to use the facility!
Michael Henderson
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
WACIF's 2nd Annual Wine Tasting and Silent Auction
WACIF's 2nd Annual Wine Tasting and Silent Auction
This year’s event will be at the wonderful and beautiful Atlas Performing Arts Center in the Atlas District of H St. NE!Join us for a night of wine, music, fun and more! Enjoy the evening with an array of wine, local food from around the burgeoning H Street corridor, and a variety of numerous silent auction items for you to bid on.Who will be in attendance:Community leadersStrategic partnersPublic officialsSmall Business OwnersInterested in becoming a sponsor?! Individual, Small Business and Corporate sponsorships available! See the benefits and 'how to' by checking out our event page on WACIF's website!
Should you have any questions please contact Jeremy Cullimore at or 202-529-5505.
ANC5C Public Meeting Tomorrow, October 18th 2011 at 6:45pm at Bennett Career Institute, 700 Monroe St NE, 20017
ANC5C Public Meeting October 18th 2011 at 6:45pm at Bennett Career Institute, 700 Monroe St NE, 20017
Come join ANC5C at their Public Monthly Meeting hosted at Bennett Career Institute's Auditorium
Intersection: Corner of 7th St NE and Monroe Street NE
Metro Stop: Brookland, CUA (Red Line) - Use Catholic Exit, Walk towards Monroe and 7th.
Bus Stop: 7th and Monroe (80, H4, H2, G8)
Agenda Includes
Chairman’s Report – Summary of Meeting with Mayor
Police/Crime Report
Business Administration Community Concerns
Parade Plans for Howard University Homecoming 2011
Internet Gaming (iGaming)
Update Re: Redistricting
Update/Consideration Progress - Engine Company No. 12
Upcoming ABRA Renewal Licenses in 5C Area
Committee Reports/Updates
Review of Grants Procedures
Legislation Committee Updates
Come join ANC5C at their Public Monthly Meeting hosted at Bennett Career Institute's Auditorium
Intersection: Corner of 7th St NE and Monroe Street NE
Metro Stop: Brookland, CUA (Red Line) - Use Catholic Exit, Walk towards Monroe and 7th.
Bus Stop: 7th and Monroe (80, H4, H2, G8)
Agenda Includes
Chairman’s Report – Summary of Meeting with Mayor
Police/Crime Report
Business Administration Community Concerns
Parade Plans for Howard University Homecoming 2011
Internet Gaming (iGaming)
Update Re: Redistricting
Update/Consideration Progress - Engine Company No. 12
Upcoming ABRA Renewal Licenses in 5C Area
Committee Reports/Updates
Review of Grants Procedures
Legislation Committee Updates
Langley PTSA Meeting Tonight
This month's topic is choosing the right high school for your child.
There are ten comprehensive public high schools in the District. DCPS also has
six "specialty" high schools that students should consider including Benjamin
Banneker, School Without Walls and McKinley Tech.
Our meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th at 6pm. Guest speakers
include representatives from Banneker and McKinley.
Tuesday, October 18th
6 PM
Langley Education Campus
101 T. St., NE
Washington, DC
***Twitter – follow us @langleyptsa***
There are ten comprehensive public high schools in the District. DCPS also has
six "specialty" high schools that students should consider including Benjamin
Banneker, School Without Walls and McKinley Tech.
Our meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th at 6pm. Guest speakers
include representatives from Banneker and McKinley.
Tuesday, October 18th
6 PM
Langley Education Campus
101 T. St., NE
Washington, DC
***Twitter – follow us @langleyptsa***
Friday, September 30, 2011
REMINDER: Edgewood Neighborhood Cleanup TOMORROW!
Friends of Edgewood Cleanup and BBQ
Date: Saturday October 1, 2011
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the first Saturday.
Location: Edgewood Recreation Center
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Capital Bikeshare Data for Edgewood
I wanted to do a more through post, but cannot get the dashboard to download the data. While I work on that I wanted to share this graph which shows the number of bikeshare trips that started/ended at the Edgewood station on 4th and Adams Street NE. It looks like the Edgewood station use is growing along with bikeshare. I imagine it will pick up even more as stations are added in our area.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
NoMa ZestFest: Fun Continues Through Saturday!
ZestFest: Fun Continues Through Saturday!
ZestFest continues all week, bringing arts, culture and music to the streets of NoMa through October 1! Events range from Zumba classes, Project Fitness demonstrations, lunch-time concerts, free chair massages, Rock Band 3 on a huge screen, and much more!
Sept. 27-30: Lunch Events, Multiple Locations, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Today, stop by Union Center Plaza (810 First Street, NE) for Project Fitness assessments and blues/guitar by Rick Franklin.
Sept. 30: Return for Rock Band 3 on the Big Screen, plus food trucks and screenprinted T-shirts from Albus Cavus, 6-10 p.m. Loree Grand Field (Screenprinted T-shirts cost $10. All other events are free.) Plus, paint a Zipcar!
Oct. 1: Family Field Day will be held Oct. 1! Join the NoMa BID and CHNNA, the Capitol Hill North Neighborhood Association, for outdoor games, face painting, food trucks, $10 screen-printed t-shirts designed by Albus Cavus, and music. CHNNA is providing a picnic for all those in attendance, and will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, chips, plates, napkins, and drinks. The family friendly event will offer games for both adults and kids.
Location: Loree Grand Field, Second and L Streets, NE
Time: 4-7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011
All events are free and open to the public. Find a detailed calendar at ZestFest is organized by the NoMa Business Improvement District and the Pink Line Project, and sponsored by Zipcar, Todd Gray’s Watershed, Bike & Roll, Project Fitness, Lunar Massage, Bloombars, ScoutMob, and the Story League. Special thanks to Courtyard by Marriott, Loree Grand, VEF-VN Capitol Plaza I LLC, Polinger Shannon & Luchs, Union Center Plaza Management Corp., G&R Management Co. LLC, Lincoln Property Company, DC First Street Corporation, 830 First Street LLC, and Akridge for allowing the use of their spaces.
NoMa Farmers Market: Pumpkins!
Fall foods are here! Get your squash, apples, cider, sausage and tasty stew items at the NoMa Farmers Market, Wednesday afternoons 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. through October 26. The market takes place at 1200 First Street, NE, in front of the CVS. The market is organized by the NoMa BID and managed by Metro Green Markets.
Two NoMa Walking Tours Thursday
This Thursday, rain or shine, take a walking tour of NoMa. See where the Beatles played their first U.S. concert, hear the area’s rich history, and learn how the New York Avenue Metro station sparked the sleek new development underway now in DC’s most connected neighborhood.
NoMa: From the Beatles to NPR
Thursday 9/29 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Thursday 9/29 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Registration is not required for any of the NoMa tours. All tours are free and start at the Au Bon Pain near the New York Avenue Metro Station (Second and N Streets, NE) and end at Union Station. Special thanks to CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield for sponsoring the NoMa walking tours. Presented by Cultural Tourism DC, WalkingTown and BikingTown DC strive to shed light on the many jewels of DC, from the unknown to well-known attractions with more than 100 free walking and biking tours throughout all eight wards of DC from September 23 to October 2. Questions? Contact Rachel Davis.
Rachel L. Davis, LEED AP
Director of Marketing & Events
NoMa Business Improvement District
1200 First Street NE, Suite 310Washington, DC 20002
(P) 202-289-0111 x.3
ZestFest continues all week, bringing arts, culture and music to the streets of NoMa through October 1! Events range from Zumba classes, Project Fitness demonstrations, lunch-time concerts, free chair massages, Rock Band 3 on a huge screen, and much more!
Sept. 27-30: Lunch Events, Multiple Locations, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Today, stop by Union Center Plaza (810 First Street, NE) for Project Fitness assessments and blues/guitar by Rick Franklin.
Sept. 30: Return for Rock Band 3 on the Big Screen, plus food trucks and screenprinted T-shirts from Albus Cavus, 6-10 p.m. Loree Grand Field (Screenprinted T-shirts cost $10. All other events are free.) Plus, paint a Zipcar!
Oct. 1: Family Field Day will be held Oct. 1! Join the NoMa BID and CHNNA, the Capitol Hill North Neighborhood Association, for outdoor games, face painting, food trucks, $10 screen-printed t-shirts designed by Albus Cavus, and music. CHNNA is providing a picnic for all those in attendance, and will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, chips, plates, napkins, and drinks. The family friendly event will offer games for both adults and kids.
Location: Loree Grand Field, Second and L Streets, NE
Time: 4-7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011
All events are free and open to the public. Find a detailed calendar at ZestFest is organized by the NoMa Business Improvement District and the Pink Line Project, and sponsored by Zipcar, Todd Gray’s Watershed, Bike & Roll, Project Fitness, Lunar Massage, Bloombars, ScoutMob, and the Story League. Special thanks to Courtyard by Marriott, Loree Grand, VEF-VN Capitol Plaza I LLC, Polinger Shannon & Luchs, Union Center Plaza Management Corp., G&R Management Co. LLC, Lincoln Property Company, DC First Street Corporation, 830 First Street LLC, and Akridge for allowing the use of their spaces.
NoMa Farmers Market: Pumpkins!
Fall foods are here! Get your squash, apples, cider, sausage and tasty stew items at the NoMa Farmers Market, Wednesday afternoons 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. through October 26. The market takes place at 1200 First Street, NE, in front of the CVS. The market is organized by the NoMa BID and managed by Metro Green Markets.
Two NoMa Walking Tours Thursday
This Thursday, rain or shine, take a walking tour of NoMa. See where the Beatles played their first U.S. concert, hear the area’s rich history, and learn how the New York Avenue Metro station sparked the sleek new development underway now in DC’s most connected neighborhood.
NoMa: From the Beatles to NPR
Thursday 9/29 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Thursday 9/29 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Registration is not required for any of the NoMa tours. All tours are free and start at the Au Bon Pain near the New York Avenue Metro Station (Second and N Streets, NE) and end at Union Station. Special thanks to CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield for sponsoring the NoMa walking tours. Presented by Cultural Tourism DC, WalkingTown and BikingTown DC strive to shed light on the many jewels of DC, from the unknown to well-known attractions with more than 100 free walking and biking tours throughout all eight wards of DC from September 23 to October 2. Questions? Contact Rachel Davis.
Rachel L. Davis, LEED AP
Director of Marketing & Events
NoMa Business Improvement District
1200 First Street NE, Suite 310Washington, DC 20002
(P) 202-289-0111 x.3
Monday, September 26, 2011
Still devastated about DC schools?
Last year I wrote about a program that I decided to volunteer with because I am disheartened about the state of DC schools especially the ones in my own neighborhood. So many times blogs are filled with pieces about gentrification and crime, but rarely are solutions or plans offered. While I am not saying that volunteering with Reading Partners will solve any of these larger problems I do think that it is an action that will change the life of a child and the volunteer. Imagine if all DC students read at or above their grade level and the impact that would have on their education and future.
I am starting my second year volunteering with Reading Partners and I am determined to recruit even more of our community to join!! The commitment is less than 2 hours a week including travel time and the lesson plans are already prepared for you. If you can read you can tutor and you can make a huge difference in the life of a child. The program has expanded to more schools this year and you can volunteer at any one of them.
•Brightwood Elementary School (Brightwood, NW)
•Center City PCS - Congress Heights (Congress Heights, SE)
•Community Academy PCS - Butler Global (Logan Circle, NW)
•Community Academy PCS - Rand Campus (Fort Totten, NE)
•DC Bilingual Public Charter School (Columbia Heights, NW)
•DC Preparatory Academy - Edgewood Campus (Edgewood, NE)
•Septima Clark (Anacostia)
•Wheatley Elementary (Trinidad, NE)
I cannot encourage it enough!! Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!
Sign up and learn more here.
Also, they are always looking for more books! If you have children's books to donate please email me and I will happily pick them up!
I am starting my second year volunteering with Reading Partners and I am determined to recruit even more of our community to join!! The commitment is less than 2 hours a week including travel time and the lesson plans are already prepared for you. If you can read you can tutor and you can make a huge difference in the life of a child. The program has expanded to more schools this year and you can volunteer at any one of them.
•Brightwood Elementary School (Brightwood, NW)
•Center City PCS - Congress Heights (Congress Heights, SE)
•Community Academy PCS - Butler Global (Logan Circle, NW)
•Community Academy PCS - Rand Campus (Fort Totten, NE)
•DC Bilingual Public Charter School (Columbia Heights, NW)
•DC Preparatory Academy - Edgewood Campus (Edgewood, NE)
•Septima Clark (Anacostia)
•Wheatley Elementary (Trinidad, NE)
I cannot encourage it enough!! Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!
Sign up and learn more here.
Also, they are always looking for more books! If you have children's books to donate please email me and I will happily pick them up!
Ward 5 Great Schools Initiative, September 29th
Ward 5 Great Schools Initiative:
Building Tomorrow Together
DCPS cordially invites all Ward 5 parents, families, staff and community members to join the conversation about middle school and other education initiatives. Share your vision for Ward 5 schools and work with us to expand educational opportunities in your neighborhood schools.
Thursday, September 29th
Luke Moore HS Cafeteria
1001 Monroe St. NE
To help us plan childcare and food services,
please RSVP Marie Woodward-Graves at (202) 719-6601
Community Happy Hour October 6th
Community Happy Hour
Meet your neighbors
Support local business
Share a couple laughs
B Cafe
3740 12th St NE
(between N Otis St & N Perry St)
Washington, DC 20017
(202) 635-6307
October 6, 2011
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Happy Hour prices (drinks and food)
Open to all neighbors
Please reach out to any neighbors who may not have internet
or may not be on the listserv and invite them!
Please RSVP:
Take care,
Jenn Parker
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
NoMa Kicks off ZestFest, Family Field Day, Concerts, Tours & More!
Just a short ride down the Met Branch Trail!!
Join us for ZestFest, a zany two-week festival bringing arts, culture and music to the streets of NoMa from September 20 to 30! Events range from Zumba classes, Project Fitness demonstrations, lunch-time concerts, free chair massages, Rock Band 3 on a huge screen, and much more! Important: Tuesday’s Lunch event with Nishta Raj and Project Fitness was canceled due to weather. Join us Tuesday afternoon for a music-filled opening Wine Reception at Union Center Plaza, 4:30-6 p.m.
Dates to Remember:
Sept. 20: ZestFest Opening Party: Wine Reception & Music by Nila Kay, Union Center Plaza (810-840 First Street, NE) 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sept. 21-23: Lunch Events, Multiple Locations, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Sept. 24: Family Field Day & Evening Concerts Curated by Bloombars, 4-9 p.m. Loree Grand Field
Sept. 27-30: Lunch Events, Multiple Locations, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Sept. 30: Closing Party with Rock Band 3/Screenprinted T-shirts from Albus Cavus, 6-10 p.m. Loree Grand Field (Screenprinted T-shirts cost $10. All other events are free.)
All events are free and open to the public. Find a detailed calendar at ZestFest is organized by the NoMa Business Improvement District and the Pink Line Project, and sponsored by Zipcar, Todd Gray’s Watershed, Bike & Roll, Project Fitness, Lunar Massage, Bloombars, ScoutMob, and the Story League. Special thanks to Courtyard by Marriott, Loree Grand, VEF-VN Capitol Plaza I LLC, Polinger Shannon & Luchs, Union Center Plaza Management Corp., G&R Management Co. LLC, Lincoln Property Company, DC First Street Corporation, 830 First Street LLC, and Akridge for allowing the use of their spaces.
Farmers Market: Fall Fare!
The market continues Wednesday, so don't forget your apples, cheese, cider, fall squashes and sausage! The market takes place in the plaza in front of 1200 First Street, NE (across from Harris Teeter) from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. each Wednesday through October 26. Many thanks to Metro Green Markets for supporting ZestFest!
Vendor Update: KarenKay’s Cakes will be back soon! Date TBD. In the meantime, stop by the market for baked goods from the Breadery and Home Style Sweets and Treats. The Breadery, a Catonsville, Md.-based bakery, brings whole grain breads with no chemicals or preservatives, including hard and soft-crusted breads, cookies, focaccia, and rolls( cinnamon orange cranberry, pecan, plain) and more! Home Style Sweets and Treats offers oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies, peach bread pudding, peach turnovers and a variety of cakes, including Red Velvet, Coconut and Sweet Potato.
Mark your calendars for a community-oriented mini green festival at the NoMa Farmers Market on October 5. To participate, contact Rachel Davis. The market is organized by the NoMa BID and Metro Green Markets. For more information, visit
ZestFest: Family Field Day, Concerts
This Saturday, Sept 24, NoMa BID is hosting Family Field Day in collaboration with CHNNA, the Capitol Hill North Neighborhood Association. ZestFest is providing outdoor games, face painting, food trucks, $10 screen-printed t-shirts designed by Albus Cavus, and dance and musical performances. CHNNA is providing a picnic for all those in attendance, and will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, chips, plates, napkins, and drinks.
Neighbors may bring a side dish or dessert to share, as well as yard games. The more people that participate and contribute to Family Field Day, the more fun this will be for everyone involved. The family friendly event will offer games for both adults and kids, and evening concerts as well! Food trucks will also be in attendance, including That Cheesecake Truck and the Big Cheese Truck.
Location: Loree Grand Field, Second and L Streets, NE
Time: 4-9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011
Schedule: 4-7 p.m. - CHNNA will provide hot dogs and hamburgers
4:30 p.m. - dance performance by Joy of Motion Dance Center's youth hip hop company Groove Elements
5:15 p.m. - music by Cloud IX
6:30 p.m. - music by Tamika Love Jones (jazz/R&B)
Bring a neighbor, friend, dog, frisbee, cooler or blanket! For a full schedule of ZestFest events, visit Special thanks to the Loree Grand at Union Place for use of the field!
Three Chances to Take the NoMa Walking Tour!
Presented by Cultural Tourism DC, WalkingTown and BikingTown DC strive to shed light on the many jewels of DC, from the unknown to well-known attractions. You have three chances to take the NoMa tour this year during ZestFest! See where the Beatles played their first U.S. concert, hear the area’s rich history, and learn how the New York Avenue Metro station sparked the sleek new development underway now in DC’s most connected neighborhood.
NoMa: From the Beatles to NPR
Saturday 9/24 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Thursday 9/29 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Thursday 9/29 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Registration is not required for the NoMa tour. All tours start at the Au Bon Pain near the New York Avenue Metro Station (Second and N Streets, NE) and end at Union Station. WalkingTown and BikingTown DC will hold more than 100 free walking and biking tours throughout all eight wards of DC from September 23 to October 2. Read more.
Rachel L. Davis, LEED APDirector of Marketing & Events
NoMa Business Improvement District
1200 First Street NE, Suite 310Washington, DC 20002
(P) 202-289-0111 x.3
Join us for ZestFest, a zany two-week festival bringing arts, culture and music to the streets of NoMa from September 20 to 30! Events range from Zumba classes, Project Fitness demonstrations, lunch-time concerts, free chair massages, Rock Band 3 on a huge screen, and much more! Important: Tuesday’s Lunch event with Nishta Raj and Project Fitness was canceled due to weather. Join us Tuesday afternoon for a music-filled opening Wine Reception at Union Center Plaza, 4:30-6 p.m.
Dates to Remember:
Sept. 20: ZestFest Opening Party: Wine Reception & Music by Nila Kay, Union Center Plaza (810-840 First Street, NE) 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sept. 21-23: Lunch Events, Multiple Locations, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Sept. 24: Family Field Day & Evening Concerts Curated by Bloombars, 4-9 p.m. Loree Grand Field
Sept. 27-30: Lunch Events, Multiple Locations, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Sept. 30: Closing Party with Rock Band 3/Screenprinted T-shirts from Albus Cavus, 6-10 p.m. Loree Grand Field (Screenprinted T-shirts cost $10. All other events are free.)
All events are free and open to the public. Find a detailed calendar at ZestFest is organized by the NoMa Business Improvement District and the Pink Line Project, and sponsored by Zipcar, Todd Gray’s Watershed, Bike & Roll, Project Fitness, Lunar Massage, Bloombars, ScoutMob, and the Story League. Special thanks to Courtyard by Marriott, Loree Grand, VEF-VN Capitol Plaza I LLC, Polinger Shannon & Luchs, Union Center Plaza Management Corp., G&R Management Co. LLC, Lincoln Property Company, DC First Street Corporation, 830 First Street LLC, and Akridge for allowing the use of their spaces.
Farmers Market: Fall Fare!
The market continues Wednesday, so don't forget your apples, cheese, cider, fall squashes and sausage! The market takes place in the plaza in front of 1200 First Street, NE (across from Harris Teeter) from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. each Wednesday through October 26. Many thanks to Metro Green Markets for supporting ZestFest!
Vendor Update: KarenKay’s Cakes will be back soon! Date TBD. In the meantime, stop by the market for baked goods from the Breadery and Home Style Sweets and Treats. The Breadery, a Catonsville, Md.-based bakery, brings whole grain breads with no chemicals or preservatives, including hard and soft-crusted breads, cookies, focaccia, and rolls( cinnamon orange cranberry, pecan, plain) and more! Home Style Sweets and Treats offers oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies, peach bread pudding, peach turnovers and a variety of cakes, including Red Velvet, Coconut and Sweet Potato.
Mark your calendars for a community-oriented mini green festival at the NoMa Farmers Market on October 5. To participate, contact Rachel Davis. The market is organized by the NoMa BID and Metro Green Markets. For more information, visit
ZestFest: Family Field Day, Concerts
This Saturday, Sept 24, NoMa BID is hosting Family Field Day in collaboration with CHNNA, the Capitol Hill North Neighborhood Association. ZestFest is providing outdoor games, face painting, food trucks, $10 screen-printed t-shirts designed by Albus Cavus, and dance and musical performances. CHNNA is providing a picnic for all those in attendance, and will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments, chips, plates, napkins, and drinks.
Neighbors may bring a side dish or dessert to share, as well as yard games. The more people that participate and contribute to Family Field Day, the more fun this will be for everyone involved. The family friendly event will offer games for both adults and kids, and evening concerts as well! Food trucks will also be in attendance, including That Cheesecake Truck and the Big Cheese Truck.
Location: Loree Grand Field, Second and L Streets, NE
Time: 4-9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24, 2011
Schedule: 4-7 p.m. - CHNNA will provide hot dogs and hamburgers
4:30 p.m. - dance performance by Joy of Motion Dance Center's youth hip hop company Groove Elements
5:15 p.m. - music by Cloud IX
6:30 p.m. - music by Tamika Love Jones (jazz/R&B)
Bring a neighbor, friend, dog, frisbee, cooler or blanket! For a full schedule of ZestFest events, visit Special thanks to the Loree Grand at Union Place for use of the field!
Three Chances to Take the NoMa Walking Tour!
Presented by Cultural Tourism DC, WalkingTown and BikingTown DC strive to shed light on the many jewels of DC, from the unknown to well-known attractions. You have three chances to take the NoMa tour this year during ZestFest! See where the Beatles played their first U.S. concert, hear the area’s rich history, and learn how the New York Avenue Metro station sparked the sleek new development underway now in DC’s most connected neighborhood.
NoMa: From the Beatles to NPR
Saturday 9/24 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Thursday 9/29 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Thursday 9/29 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Registration is not required for the NoMa tour. All tours start at the Au Bon Pain near the New York Avenue Metro Station (Second and N Streets, NE) and end at Union Station. WalkingTown and BikingTown DC will hold more than 100 free walking and biking tours throughout all eight wards of DC from September 23 to October 2. Read more.
Rachel L. Davis, LEED APDirector of Marketing & Events
NoMa Business Improvement District
1200 First Street NE, Suite 310Washington, DC 20002
(P) 202-289-0111 x.3
Ward Five Redistricting Task Force Meeting Tomorrow
Good Afternoon Ward Five Redistricting Task Force!
This email is to serve as a reminder of the upcoming meeting Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 6:30pm which will be held at a new location this week:
Israel Baptist Church
1251 Saratoga Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20018
During this meeting we will recap the last meeting and go over steps to continue effectively in our redistricting process.
Thank you for working for Ward 5!
This email is to serve as a reminder of the upcoming meeting Wednesday, September 21, 2011 at 6:30pm which will be held at a new location this week:
Israel Baptist Church
1251 Saratoga Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20018
During this meeting we will recap the last meeting and go over steps to continue effectively in our redistricting process.
Thank you for working for Ward 5!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Saturday Rides on the Met Branch Trail -- First Ride This Saturday
With cooler weather in the forecast, the Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association is sponsoring a series of Saturday morning bicycle rides on the Metropolitan Branch Trail. These weekly group rides will be a good way to get out on the Trail, have some fun, meet your neighbors, and get some exercise.
The first ride will take place this coming Saturday, September 17th from 9-10 AM. We'll meet at the Brookland Kiosk at the corner of 12th and Newton and ride from there to the entrance of the MBT on 8th Street under the Franklin Street Bridge. The ride will last approximately 1 hour and will be a round-trip distance of approximately 4-5 miles. And, when we're done, you'll still have the rest of your Saturday to devote to whatever you have planned.
Future rides will take place--same time, same meeting place--every Saturday morning as follows: Sept. 24; Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; Nov. 5. We hope you'll consider joining us for some, all, or as many rides as you'd like!
I'm attaching a flyer with more information. Many thanks go to Jenny Isaacs for her graphic design of the flyer. Thanks, too, to Jake Abbott of Abbott Klar for providing us with multiple copies of it for posting and distribution. Please help us spread the word.
For more information, go to or call 529-0953.
The first ride will take place this coming Saturday, September 17th from 9-10 AM. We'll meet at the Brookland Kiosk at the corner of 12th and Newton and ride from there to the entrance of the MBT on 8th Street under the Franklin Street Bridge. The ride will last approximately 1 hour and will be a round-trip distance of approximately 4-5 miles. And, when we're done, you'll still have the rest of your Saturday to devote to whatever you have planned.
Future rides will take place--same time, same meeting place--every Saturday morning as follows: Sept. 24; Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; Nov. 5. We hope you'll consider joining us for some, all, or as many rides as you'd like!
I'm attaching a flyer with more information. Many thanks go to Jenny Isaacs for her graphic design of the flyer. Thanks, too, to Jake Abbott of Abbott Klar for providing us with multiple copies of it for posting and distribution. Please help us spread the word.
For more information, go to or call 529-0953.
Next Kidical Mass Ride: Saturday, September 17
Next Ride: Saturday, Sept. 17
Our next ride is this Saturday, September 17th. The full ride is an epic ten-mile journey from Eckington down to Anacostia and back up to RFK Stadium and Kingman Island, but it’s designed to be hop-on, hop-off, so you can ride for whatever length you feel comfortable with. We’ll explore the beautiful Anacostia Riverwalk Trail, grab some BBQ or hot dogs at the RFK Farmer’s Market, and picnic at the River Terrace Recreation Center. Bring or buy your lunch—dessert is on us!
You can join the ride at any of the following points:
Eckington (Met Branch Trail @ R Street NE) 9:30am
Eastern Market (Eastern Market Metro) 10:15am (metro accessible)
Anacostia (Anacostia Metro Station) 11:00am (metro accessible)
Full details and route information are here.
For more information, contact organizer Megan Odett at
Our next ride is this Saturday, September 17th. The full ride is an epic ten-mile journey from Eckington down to Anacostia and back up to RFK Stadium and Kingman Island, but it’s designed to be hop-on, hop-off, so you can ride for whatever length you feel comfortable with. We’ll explore the beautiful Anacostia Riverwalk Trail, grab some BBQ or hot dogs at the RFK Farmer’s Market, and picnic at the River Terrace Recreation Center. Bring or buy your lunch—dessert is on us!
You can join the ride at any of the following points:
Eckington (Met Branch Trail @ R Street NE) 9:30am
Eastern Market (Eastern Market Metro) 10:15am (metro accessible)
Anacostia (Anacostia Metro Station) 11:00am (metro accessible)
Full details and route information are here.
For more information, contact organizer Megan Odett at
McMillan Sand Filtration Site Tour: Saturday, 09/17/2011, starting at 11:00 am
See this message from ANC 5C04 CommissionerJohn Salatti:
Good morning!,
In our neighborhood, we have one of Washington`s most unique places, the McMillan Sand Filtration Site. This 25-acre site bounded by the unit blocks of Michigan Avenue and Channing Street NW and the 2500 through 2900 blocks of First Street NW and North Capitol Street is a mystery to many people. But it need not stay a mystery. To that end, I am pleased to announce that, by popular request, the Site will be open for tours this Saturday, September 17, 2011.
Tours will start at 11:00 a.m. and anyone is welcome (although I must admit that the site if not accessible for someone with a physical impairment). I have included below the waiver form that anyone attending the tour must fill out. So if you can fill out it, sign it, and e-mail it back to me, that would be great. You can also fill out it and bring it with you Saturday morning. That will save a lot of time.
I really encourage people to come and see McMillan, whether you have just moved here and have wondered what that lonely place is up First Street NW, or whether you have lived here all your life and know exactly what the Site is and was. It is both amazing and beautiful.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
Vice President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
(202) 986 - 2592
John.Salatti @
``Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale``
WAIVER, RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION I, (print name), hereby affirm that I have carefully read this Waiver, Release, and Indemnification (the ``Release``) in its entirety. By my signature below, I agree to each and every term and condition of this Release.
1. I acknowledge that the District of Columbia (the ``District``) is the owner of the real property with a street address of 2501 First Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20017, commonly known as the ``McMillan Sand Filtration Site``, together with all improvements located thereon (the ``Property``).
2. I represent that I will be visiting the Property at the date and time stated:
DATE: September 17, 2011 TIME: 11:0 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
3. I hereby agree to abide by the orders and directions of the representative(s) of the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (ODMPED) while visiting the Property. If I fail to comply with such orders or directions, ODMPED or its representatives may, in its discretion, demand that I leave the Property in which event I agree to do so immediately and without causing a disturbance.
4. I hereby acknowledge that the Property may be, either entirely or in part, in a state of disrepair or otherwise hazardous. I hereby assume all risks and accept full responsibility for any and all damage to myself or others arising from or related to my presence on the Property. I understand and agree that neither I, my heirs, personal representatives, successors, grantees, and assigns, or anyone claiming any interest through me, will bring any legal action whatsoever against the District, its officials, officers, employees, and agents as a result of any damage, injury, loss or death to myself or my property that arises out of my presence on the Property in connection with the tour.
5. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the District, its officials, officers, employees, and agents from all liabilities, obligations, damages, penalties, claims, costs, charges, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees), of whatsoever kind and for injury, including personal injury or death of any person or persons, and for loss or damage to any property caused by or occurring in connection with, or in any way arising out of my presence on the Property pursuant to this Release. If any action or proceeding as described in this paragraph is brought against the District, its officials, officers, employees, or agents for which I bear responsibility as expressly provided under this Release, upon written notice from the District, I shall, pay any fees, costs or expenses incurred by the District to resist or defend such action or proceeding.
6. I hereby acknowledge and agree that the assumption of risk, promise not to sue, waiver of liability, and indemnification provided for in this Release includes loss, injury or damage as a result of the negligent acts or omissions by the District, its officials, officers, employees, and agents.
7. I hereby agree that nothing in this Release shall be deemed to waive any rights of any kind that the District now has, or may hereinafter have, to assert any claim against me, including, without limitation, claims with respect to any and all past events or entry on the Property.
8. I hereby agree that if any provision of this Release is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws, such provision shall be fully severable and this Release shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never comprised a part of this Release. The remaining provisions of this Release shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or by its severance from this Release.
9. I hereby agree that this Release shall be construed under the laws of the District of Columbia without reference to conflicts of laws principles;
10. I hereby waive (i) any objection to the venue of any action filed in any court situated in the jurisdiction in which the property is located, (ii) any right, claim, or power, under the doctrine of forum non conveniens or otherwise, to transfer any such action to any other court, and (iii) trial by jury in any action, proceeding, claim, or counterclaim brought in connection with any matter arising out of or in any way connected with this Release.
11. I hereby agree that this Release shall be binding upon my heirs, personal representatives, successors, grantees, and assigns.
Date: __________________________, 20_____
Print Name:
DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE: Date: September 17, 2011
Print Name: McClinton Jackson III
Address: 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
Good morning!,
In our neighborhood, we have one of Washington`s most unique places, the McMillan Sand Filtration Site. This 25-acre site bounded by the unit blocks of Michigan Avenue and Channing Street NW and the 2500 through 2900 blocks of First Street NW and North Capitol Street is a mystery to many people. But it need not stay a mystery. To that end, I am pleased to announce that, by popular request, the Site will be open for tours this Saturday, September 17, 2011.
Tours will start at 11:00 a.m. and anyone is welcome (although I must admit that the site if not accessible for someone with a physical impairment). I have included below the waiver form that anyone attending the tour must fill out. So if you can fill out it, sign it, and e-mail it back to me, that would be great. You can also fill out it and bring it with you Saturday morning. That will save a lot of time.
I really encourage people to come and see McMillan, whether you have just moved here and have wondered what that lonely place is up First Street NW, or whether you have lived here all your life and know exactly what the Site is and was. It is both amazing and beautiful.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
John T. Salatti
Commissioner, ANC 5C04
Vice President, Bloomingdale Civic Association
(202) 986 - 2592
John.Salatti @
``Together, Building a Better Bloomingdale``
WAIVER, RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION I, (print name), hereby affirm that I have carefully read this Waiver, Release, and Indemnification (the ``Release``) in its entirety. By my signature below, I agree to each and every term and condition of this Release.
1. I acknowledge that the District of Columbia (the ``District``) is the owner of the real property with a street address of 2501 First Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20017, commonly known as the ``McMillan Sand Filtration Site``, together with all improvements located thereon (the ``Property``).
2. I represent that I will be visiting the Property at the date and time stated:
DATE: September 17, 2011 TIME: 11:0 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
3. I hereby agree to abide by the orders and directions of the representative(s) of the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (ODMPED) while visiting the Property. If I fail to comply with such orders or directions, ODMPED or its representatives may, in its discretion, demand that I leave the Property in which event I agree to do so immediately and without causing a disturbance.
4. I hereby acknowledge that the Property may be, either entirely or in part, in a state of disrepair or otherwise hazardous. I hereby assume all risks and accept full responsibility for any and all damage to myself or others arising from or related to my presence on the Property. I understand and agree that neither I, my heirs, personal representatives, successors, grantees, and assigns, or anyone claiming any interest through me, will bring any legal action whatsoever against the District, its officials, officers, employees, and agents as a result of any damage, injury, loss or death to myself or my property that arises out of my presence on the Property in connection with the tour.
5. I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the District, its officials, officers, employees, and agents from all liabilities, obligations, damages, penalties, claims, costs, charges, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees), of whatsoever kind and for injury, including personal injury or death of any person or persons, and for loss or damage to any property caused by or occurring in connection with, or in any way arising out of my presence on the Property pursuant to this Release. If any action or proceeding as described in this paragraph is brought against the District, its officials, officers, employees, or agents for which I bear responsibility as expressly provided under this Release, upon written notice from the District, I shall, pay any fees, costs or expenses incurred by the District to resist or defend such action or proceeding.
6. I hereby acknowledge and agree that the assumption of risk, promise not to sue, waiver of liability, and indemnification provided for in this Release includes loss, injury or damage as a result of the negligent acts or omissions by the District, its officials, officers, employees, and agents.
7. I hereby agree that nothing in this Release shall be deemed to waive any rights of any kind that the District now has, or may hereinafter have, to assert any claim against me, including, without limitation, claims with respect to any and all past events or entry on the Property.
8. I hereby agree that if any provision of this Release is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws, such provision shall be fully severable and this Release shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never comprised a part of this Release. The remaining provisions of this Release shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or by its severance from this Release.
9. I hereby agree that this Release shall be construed under the laws of the District of Columbia without reference to conflicts of laws principles;
10. I hereby waive (i) any objection to the venue of any action filed in any court situated in the jurisdiction in which the property is located, (ii) any right, claim, or power, under the doctrine of forum non conveniens or otherwise, to transfer any such action to any other court, and (iii) trial by jury in any action, proceeding, claim, or counterclaim brought in connection with any matter arising out of or in any way connected with this Release.
11. I hereby agree that this Release shall be binding upon my heirs, personal representatives, successors, grantees, and assigns.
Date: __________________________, 20_____
Print Name:
DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE: Date: September 17, 2011
Print Name: McClinton Jackson III
Address: 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
Monday, September 12, 2011
CUA 2012 Campus Plan Meeting on 9/15/2011 in the Catholic University South Campus Neighborhood
The Catholic University South Campus Neighbors (SMD 5C10) would like to invite the community to an overview of The Catholic University of America 2012 Campus Plan. The CUA Campus Plan team will present detailed updates to previously discussed plans and ideas.
When: Thursday, Sept 15th, 2011
Where: Pryzbola Center, Catholic University, Great Room C
Time: 7 - 9pm
When: Thursday, Sept 15th, 2011
Where: Pryzbola Center, Catholic University, Great Room C
Time: 7 - 9pm
Friday, September 9, 2011
REMINDER: Met Branch Trail - Day of Service TOMORROW!!!
Don't forget to join the Met Branch Trail day of service tomorrow!! Love the Met Branch Trail? Join your friends and neighbors for a morning of grooming and improving the trail! Friends of the Met Branch Trail will host the clean-up from 9am - 12pm on Saturday, September 10. Meet at 4th and S Streets, NE at the entrance to the trail.
You can register here.
Washington Area Community Investment Fund (WACIF) Events
Small Business Loan Day
September 17, 2011 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Sit and speak one-on-one with a lender!Reserve your spot today for a one-on-one session with a small business lender - FREE, tailored and honest, financing advice.
Location! Location! Location!
September 28, 2011 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Need to find a home for your business? Thinking about relocating? Join us for this free seminar on small business real estate.Every business - from Walmart to McDonalds to YOURS - needs to put time and effort into the thought of where to open. Learn the tried and true principles used when choosing the best place for your business.
September 17, 2011 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Sit and speak one-on-one with a lender!Reserve your spot today for a one-on-one session with a small business lender - FREE, tailored and honest, financing advice.
Location! Location! Location!
September 28, 2011 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Need to find a home for your business? Thinking about relocating? Join us for this free seminar on small business real estate.Every business - from Walmart to McDonalds to YOURS - needs to put time and effort into the thought of where to open. Learn the tried and true principles used when choosing the best place for your business.
Casey Trees brings Park(ing) Day to D.C.
Contact: Jared Powell
Director, Communications & Development
D 202.349.1894
M 202.680.3553
F 202.833.4092
Casey Trees brings Park(ing) Day to D.C.
Dupont Circle metered street parking to be transformed into temporary green space for one day.
(Washington, D.C. – September 8, 2011) — On Friday, Sept. 16, Casey Trees will transform impervious street parking into an instant park to promote the environmental, social and financial benefits of trees as part of Park(ing) Day 2011.
PARK(ing) Day is an annual event that brings together activists, artists and citizens to temporarily transform metered parking spaces into public parks and other social spaces all over the world. In 2010, more than 800 “PARK” installations in more than 80 cities in 30 countries were created. Casey Trees’ temporary park at the intersection of New Hampshire Avenue and Q Street NW is slated to be the only officially recognized Park(ing) Day site in Washington, D.C.
“We are excited to take part in such a large, international effort to get people thinking about the environment,” said Mark Buscaino, Executive Director of Casey Trees. “This event provides us with a great opportunity to discuss the benefits of trees and the urban forest.”
Casey Trees’ park design will replace 320 square feet of impervious surface normally off limits to pedestrians with an abstract forest open to the public. Oversized tags will be attached to each tree touting the financial and environmental value trees bring to D.C. residents. Casey Trees staff will be onsite from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to answer tree related questions and distribute literature.
To locate Casey Trees’ PARK(ing) Day location along with all other temporary parks, visit Park(ing) Day’s official website at On the map, zoom in on the Washington, D.C. area and click on the blue flag.
About Casey Trees:
Casey Trees is a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit, established in 2002, dedicated to restoring, enhancing and protecting the tree canopy of the nation's capital. For more information, visit
About Rebar:
Founded in 2004 in San Francisco, Rebar is an internationally recognized art and design studio operating at the intersection of art, design and ecology. In 2005, Rebar launched Park(ing) Day. To learn more about Rebar, visit
Contact: Jared Powell
Director, Communications & Development
D 202.349.1894
M 202.680.3553
F 202.833.4092
Casey Trees brings Park(ing) Day to D.C.
Dupont Circle metered street parking to be transformed into temporary green space for one day.
(Washington, D.C. – September 8, 2011) — On Friday, Sept. 16, Casey Trees will transform impervious street parking into an instant park to promote the environmental, social and financial benefits of trees as part of Park(ing) Day 2011.
PARK(ing) Day is an annual event that brings together activists, artists and citizens to temporarily transform metered parking spaces into public parks and other social spaces all over the world. In 2010, more than 800 “PARK” installations in more than 80 cities in 30 countries were created. Casey Trees’ temporary park at the intersection of New Hampshire Avenue and Q Street NW is slated to be the only officially recognized Park(ing) Day site in Washington, D.C.
“We are excited to take part in such a large, international effort to get people thinking about the environment,” said Mark Buscaino, Executive Director of Casey Trees. “This event provides us with a great opportunity to discuss the benefits of trees and the urban forest.”
Casey Trees’ park design will replace 320 square feet of impervious surface normally off limits to pedestrians with an abstract forest open to the public. Oversized tags will be attached to each tree touting the financial and environmental value trees bring to D.C. residents. Casey Trees staff will be onsite from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to answer tree related questions and distribute literature.
To locate Casey Trees’ PARK(ing) Day location along with all other temporary parks, visit Park(ing) Day’s official website at On the map, zoom in on the Washington, D.C. area and click on the blue flag.
About Casey Trees:
Casey Trees is a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit, established in 2002, dedicated to restoring, enhancing and protecting the tree canopy of the nation's capital. For more information, visit
About Rebar:
Founded in 2004 in San Francisco, Rebar is an internationally recognized art and design studio operating at the intersection of art, design and ecology. In 2005, Rebar launched Park(ing) Day. To learn more about Rebar, visit
Monday, August 29, 2011
Met Branch Trail Day of Service - planning meeting TODAY!
Interested in being a group leader for the MBT Day of Service? Attend the Friends of the Met Branch Trail meeting TONIGHT (Monday, 8/29) at 6pm. We’re meeting at the S St. pocket park (on the trail at 4th and S Streets, NE) and will walk the trail to identify areas that need special attention. Bring a full water bottle.
Kelly Pack, Director of Trail Development
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
AND…Join your friends and neighbors for the MBT Day of Service – Saturday, September 10 from 9am until noon. Free refreshments provided! Register today.
Hope to see you there!
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
2121 Ward Court, NW, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20037p: 202.974.5148 ~ f: 202.223.9257
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Friends of the Met Branch Trail mtg this Thursday (8/11) 7pm at 459 I St, NW
Love the trail? Get involved!
What: Friends of the Met Branch Trail (re-launch)
When: This Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:00-8:00pm
Where: BicycleSpace, 459 Eye Street, NW
Join other trail lovers as the Friends of the Met Branch Trail re-launches with our first meeting to discuss September 11th Community Service Day projects along the trail. We've all been wishing we could pitch in and help get the trail in better shape – this is your chance.
BicycleSpace's shop will be open until 7pm and will be hosting a ride beginning at 8pm (
Yahoo groups:
What: Friends of the Met Branch Trail (re-launch)
When: This Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:00-8:00pm
Where: BicycleSpace, 459 Eye Street, NW
Join other trail lovers as the Friends of the Met Branch Trail re-launches with our first meeting to discuss September 11th Community Service Day projects along the trail. We've all been wishing we could pitch in and help get the trail in better shape – this is your chance.
BicycleSpace's shop will be open until 7pm and will be hosting a ride beginning at 8pm (
Yahoo groups:
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Day Has Come - Chocolate City Beer Launch Party
The guys at Chocolate City Beer have finally made it through all the hurdles to open their brewery in Edgewood!!! Come support them and help them celebrate at their official Launch Party at RFD next Thursday. Here are the details and I hope to see you there!!!
Where: RFD's Backroom (Chinatown- 810 7th St NW)
$4 Pints all night long and DJ O'Scool will be there!
Friday, August 5, 2011
REMINDER Edgewood Neighborhood Cleanup is TOMORROW!
Just wanted to send out a reminder that tomorrow is the Edgewood Neighborhood monthly cleanup. The group meets in front of the Edgewood Rec Center at the corner of 3rd and Evarts NE at 10:30 a.m. The cleanup is sponsored by the Friends of Edgewood Recreation Center and occurs the first Saturday of every month same time and location. The group picks up trash around the neighborhood including the rec center and has a cookout afterwards.
This is a great way to meet your neighbors and show pride in our neighborhood!
If you cannot come try and cleanup around your block today or tomorrow morning so we can cover more areas!!!
This is a great way to meet your neighbors and show pride in our neighborhood!
If you cannot come try and cleanup around your block today or tomorrow morning so we can cover more areas!!!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
CALLING ALL CURATORS | 5x5 Public Art Project
I am wondering if this is what those five concrete spaces being built along the Met Branch Trail near the Rhode Island Avenue Shopping Center entrance will be used for?
Single Member District 5C10 Meeting Announcement - Aug 10th at 7pm
Single Member District 5C10 Meeting Announcement
Join the neighbors of Single Member District 5C10 for our quarterly meeting.
Date: Wednesday, Aug 10th
Location: 721 Lawrence St NE, De Sales Hall, De Sales Library
Time: 7 – 8 pm
Invited guest include Jonathan Dorrough of MPD 5D, Mike Henehan of Bozzuto Construction and representatives from Catholic University.
Agenda Topics Include
- Crime and Safety
- Emergency Planning
- New Construction (CUA South Campus)
- Pet Waste Receptacle
- Catholic University 2012 Campus Plan Community Workshops
Join the neighbors of Single Member District 5C10 for our quarterly meeting.
Date: Wednesday, Aug 10th
Location: 721 Lawrence St NE, De Sales Hall, De Sales Library
Time: 7 – 8 pm
Invited guest include Jonathan Dorrough of MPD 5D, Mike Henehan of Bozzuto Construction and representatives from Catholic University.
Agenda Topics Include
- Crime and Safety
- Emergency Planning
- New Construction (CUA South Campus)
- Pet Waste Receptacle
- Catholic University 2012 Campus Plan Community Workshops
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
REMINDER: Friends of Edgewood Recreation Center Meeting TONIGHT
Title: Friends of Edgewood Recreation Center
Date: Wednesday August 3, 2011
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the first Wednesday.
Location: Edgewood Recreation Center 3rd and Evarts Street NE
Date: Wednesday August 3, 2011
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Repeats: This event repeats every month on the first Wednesday.
Location: Edgewood Recreation Center 3rd and Evarts Street NE
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Chocolate City Beer Update
As I am still catching up on everything from my vacation I wanted to share all the pieces of news that suggest (fingers crossed) Chocolate City Beer will be up and running this month. Here is a little news round up on where they stand with equipment, approvals and production. They tweeted yesterday that they would have launch party details by the end of the week!!!!!
My First Interview
Their Website Updates
City's Best Article (I especially love them because they mention Edgewood!)
DCist Article
My First Interview
Their Website Updates
City's Best Article (I especially love them because they mention Edgewood!)
DCist Article
ANC 5C Special Meeting, Thursday 7 PM
Thursday, August 4, 2011 First New Hope Baptist Church
7:00pm -9:00pm
Notice & Agenda
This is to provide notice that ANC 5C will hold a Special Emergency Meeting on
Thursday, August 4, 2011. The following items will be discussed:
3rd Quarter Financial Reporto
Status of Documents\Submission
Consider Emergency Funding Request –o
Stronghold Civic Association – August 6, 2011 Event
Consider Request for ABRA/Stipulated Liquor License…….Firehouse
Grant Applications -The following groups have submitted applications for consideration:
Friends of Edgewood Rec (Michael Henderson)
Amateur Kickboxing Federation ( Michelle Hamond)
Edgewood Farmers Market
Perry School
“R” Street Bike Lines………………………………………………………
CUA South Campus Tree Planting Plan……………………….……….******************************************
PRE - EXECUTIVE MEETING – Starting at 6:00 P.M.Monday, August 1, 2011
NoMa Free Movie for National Night Out, Tues. Aug. 2
Join us to celebrate National Night Out!
The NoMa Business Improvement District, in partnership with Sursum Corda, is showing a FREE children’s film, Megamind, to celebrate National Night Out. FREE refreshments provided (first-come, first-serve) starting at 7:30 p.m. Film starts at 8:30 p.m. All neighbors are invited.
August 2, 2011, 8:30 p.m.
FREE Children’s Movie: Megamind
Location: Mini Park, First & L Streets, NW
For more information, please contact Lonnie Durham at 202-439-9312 or Merrit Drucker, 202-494-0374, See you at the movie!
The NoMa Business Improvement District, in partnership with Sursum Corda, is showing a FREE children’s film, Megamind, to celebrate National Night Out. FREE refreshments provided (first-come, first-serve) starting at 7:30 p.m. Film starts at 8:30 p.m. All neighbors are invited.
August 2, 2011, 8:30 p.m.
FREE Children’s Movie: Megamind
Location: Mini Park, First & L Streets, NW
For more information, please contact Lonnie Durham at 202-439-9312 or Merrit Drucker, 202-494-0374, See you at the movie!
Friday, July 29, 2011
National Night Out Tell your Neighborhoods; Bring your Friends, See YOU there
You are invited to join Police, Community Leaders and Neighbors for the 28th Annual National Night Out in the Fifth District
Tuesday, August 2nd 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Grounds of CAPCS School (formerly Armstrong)
1400 First St NW
National Night Out has proven to be an effective, inexpensive, and enjoyable program to promote neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships in our fight for safer neighborhoods.
Join Ward 5 Residents, 5th District Police, Civic and Political Leaders
Join us for Fun, Music, Safety Information, and Games
Special Hosts the Hanover Civic Association and Bates Area Civic Association Neighborhood
Wacky Olympics, Car Seat Safety Checks, Block Captain Information, Zumba Dancing, Workshop on Community Impact Statements (USAO), Bike Ride of Metro Branch Trail (ride starts at 7:00pm)
For additional information, contact Fayette Vaughn-Lee on 202 698-0188,, Carl Thomas on 202 340-7141,, Nicole Johnson 202-724-8028, njohnson@DCCOUNCIL.US Geovani Bonilla on 202 483-1446
Tuesday, August 2nd 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Grounds of CAPCS School (formerly Armstrong)
1400 First St NW
National Night Out has proven to be an effective, inexpensive, and enjoyable program to promote neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships in our fight for safer neighborhoods.
Join Ward 5 Residents, 5th District Police, Civic and Political Leaders
Join us for Fun, Music, Safety Information, and Games
Special Hosts the Hanover Civic Association and Bates Area Civic Association Neighborhood
Wacky Olympics, Car Seat Safety Checks, Block Captain Information, Zumba Dancing, Workshop on Community Impact Statements (USAO), Bike Ride of Metro Branch Trail (ride starts at 7:00pm)
For additional information, contact Fayette Vaughn-Lee on 202 698-0188,, Carl Thomas on 202 340-7141,, Nicole Johnson 202-724-8028, njohnson@DCCOUNCIL.US Geovani Bonilla on 202 483-1446
Youth Bicycle Repair Day on the Metropolitan Branch Trail
Hello all, please let your neighbors know about this and stop by to say hello.
Youth Bicycle Repair Day on the Metropolitan Branch Trail
Bring your old or new youth bicycles which have flat tires, brakes that don’t work, gears that don’t shift or any strange squeaks, creaks, clicks, ticks or groans, and we will fix them for you for FREE! Yep, you heard that right. FREE. We’ll treat you to a cold drink while you wait and we are even putting on new parts if you need them!
A Joint Effort By:
BicycleSPACE and the Ra
ils to Trails Conservancy
Where: The Metropolitan Branch Trail, on 4th & S Streets, NE
“The Pocket Park”
When: Saturday, July 30 from 11.00am to 2.00pm
So dig out those broken bikes, drag them down to the trail, and our mechanics will give them a new life!
Erik Kugler, CPA
Principal, Cycletopia WDC LLC dba BicycleSPACE
459 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
202 962 0123
Principal, BicyclePASS LLC
Principal, Cadence Retail Group, LLC
Youth Bicycle Repair Day on the Metropolitan Branch Trail
Bring your old or new youth bicycles which have flat tires, brakes that don’t work, gears that don’t shift or any strange squeaks, creaks, clicks, ticks or groans, and we will fix them for you for FREE! Yep, you heard that right. FREE. We’ll treat you to a cold drink while you wait and we are even putting on new parts if you need them!
A Joint Effort By:
BicycleSPACE and the Ra
ils to Trails Conservancy
Where: The Metropolitan Branch Trail, on 4th & S Streets, NE
“The Pocket Park”
When: Saturday, July 30 from 11.00am to 2.00pm
So dig out those broken bikes, drag them down to the trail, and our mechanics will give them a new life!
Erik Kugler, CPA
Principal, Cycletopia WDC LLC dba BicycleSPACE
459 I Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
202 962 0123
Principal, BicyclePASS LLC
Principal, Cadence Retail Group, LLC
Friday, July 22, 2011
Edgewood Home Sales
Here is the updated data on homes for sale in Edgewood. I am using Redfin because it allows you to search by neighborhood, but if you have any other ideas or ways to get listings or open houses please let me know!
Here is the link to the data in Redfin:
Edgewood has a very diverse housing stock with a wide range of sizes and prices. Right now the most expensive places listed are the new homes being built in Chancellor's Row listed at $644,900 while the least expensive listing is a one bedroom condo ready for renovations listed at $100,000. It seems that there continues to be a steady number of houses selling across the price ranges and there are quite a few pending sales that have yet to be posted.
There are new sales posted.
507 Montana Ave NE sold on June 28th for $274,649
227 Bryant Street NE sold on June 28th for $180,000
508 Edgewood Street NE sold on July 1st for $237,500
336 Adams Street Unit C NE sold on July 1st for $125,000
318 Bryant Street NE sold on July 5th for $300,000
The Chancellor's Row development continues to be a high seller in the neighborhood having sold 84 houses to date with only 16 houses remaining to sell in Phase 1 of their development. Phase 2 is currently scheduled to open for sales in October 2011 with construction beginning by March 2012.
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