That's right -- the monthly Edgewoodcleanup is tomorrow, August 6, @ 10:30 AM. Meet by Edgewood Rec. Center -- 3rd and Evarts St. NE. Nice weather to help our beloved area look nice.
Gloves and bags are provided. Free refreshments and cook-out for volunteers 11:45ish, including Michael's soon-to-be famous chicken wings! Friends of Edgewood sponsors this easy volunteer activity -- the first Saturday of every month. Come meet friendly neighbors, clear litter from sidewalks, and chat about local news and events.
If you can't make it, tidying outside your house helps everyone too. If you have questions, just ask cleanup founder and ANC 5E10 Commissioner .
Friends of Edgewood Rec. Center, a 501c3 nonprofit
Doing Good in the Neighborhood
Office of the Clean City Adopt-a-Block Partners, & DC DPR Community Garden Park Partners