
All about the Edgewood Neighborhood of Washington, DC

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Edgewood: Potential Theft and Found Bike

Please see the message below from our neighbor in Edgewood:

Hi Neighbors,

An off-topic note:

Yesterday, my daughter and I left our house about 10am and I did not lock the door because my husband works from home and was still inside (and I am lazy and overly trusting!), and within one minute of us pulling away an unknown young man came into our house and charged up the steps towards our bedroom with a bag ready to loot. My husband and he crossed paths and he got scared and ran (fast!). Several neighbors witnessed it and we called the police and filed a report but he was not apprehended. So part 1 is just to put it out there to please be careful, and if you've gotten like me, comfortable in your neighborhood, please keep your doors locked, even when you are inside. We are lucky we had this warning without any consequences!

Part 2 of this message is, that (we think) the perpetrator left behind a stolen bicycle. We called the police and they said it was not registered and told us we might as well sell it on Craig's list (I'm still struggling with the fact that we were told to this by a police officer...?!) but we wanted to make an effort to return it to it's rightful owner if possible. It is a Trek 400 road bike. If your bike has been stolen and you think this may be it, please contact me with a description.

Thanks and be safe out there!

Please email me if you think the bike is yours and I can pass the message along.

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